Photos d’artistes français du 19ème siècle par Nadar – Pictures of French artists of the 19th century by Nadar

Le photographe français Nadar (1820 – 1910) s’est spécialisé au cours du 19ème siècle dans les photos des hommes illustres de son temps, notamment des artistes. Voici une sélection de ses portraits.


French photographer Nadar (1820 – 1910) has specialized in the 19th century in photos of famous men of his time, especially artists. Here is a selection of his portraits.


Gustave Eiffel

Jules Verne
OVH Photos Nadar Jules Verne

Sarah Bernard
OVH Photos Nadar Sarah Bernard

Victor Hugo
OVH Photos Nadar Victor Hugo

Alexandre Dumas
OVH Photos Nadar Alexandre Dumas

Auguste Rodin

Charles Baudelaire
OVH Photos Nadar Charles Baudelaire

Charles Garnier
OVH Photos Nadar Charles Garnier

Emile Littré
OVH Photos Nadar Emile Littré

Gérard de Nerval
OVH Photos Nadar Gérad de Nerval

Gustave Courbet
OVH Photos Nadar Gustave Courbet

Photos de chefs indiens d’Amérique du Nord – Photos of indian leaders in North America

Voici  les photos de chefs des tribus d’indiens d’Amérique du Nord. Vous noterez la majesté du regard de ces hommes, les traits burinés par le soleil… Ils ont une grande majesté qui, merci aux photographes, ne sortira pas de la mémoire de l’homme.

Here are pictures of leaders of Indian tribes of North America. You will notice the majestic gaze of these men, chiseled features sun… They have a great majesty, thank you to the photographers, will not come out of the man’s memory .


Sitting Bull
OVH Photos Indiens Chefs02 Sitting Bull

Low Dog
ca. 1870s-1880s, USA --- Low Dog was one of the fighting chiefs of the Sioux at the Battle of Little Big Horn. --- Image by © CORBIS

OVH Photos Indiens Chefs04 Hileman


Iron tail
OVH Photos Indiens Chefs07 Iron Tail

Big Mouth Spring
OVH Photos Indiens Chefs08 Big Mouth Spring

circa 1905: Geronimo (c. 1829-1909). Leader of the Chiricahua Apache tribe in Arizona. After the Chiricahua Reservation was abolished in1876, he repeatedly led raids against white settlers, was captured and escaped. He surrendered in 1886 and was deported with his followers as prisoners of war to Florida and later to Fort Sill, Oklahoma. He later became a Christian and a prosperous farmer. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

OVH Photos Indiens Chefs12

OVH Photos Indiens Chefs13

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OVH Photos Indiens Chefs05 Sioux

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OVH Photos Indiens Chefs10

Photos de généraux de la guerre de Sécession américaine – Photos of generals of the American Civil War

Mathew BRADY (1822 – 1896) est  un grand photographe américain de la deuxième moitié du 19ème siècle. Il est  surtout connu pour ses photos des généraux de l’union lors de la guerre de Sécession. Voici quelques uns de ses plus beaux clichés de cette période.


Mathew Brady (1822 – 1896) is a great American photographer of the second half of the 19th century. He is best known for his photos of the generals of the Union during the Civil War. Here are some of his best shots of the period.


Le photographe Mathew Brady – The photographer Mathew Brady
OVH Photos Guerre Secession Generaux Photographe Mathew Brady

Abner Doubleday
OVH Photos Guerre Secession Generaux Abner Doubleday

Ambrose Burnside
OVH Photos Guerre Secession Generaux Ambrose Burnside

Daniel Craig McCallum
OVH Photos Guerre Secession Generaux Daniel Craig McCallum

David Dixon Porter
OVH Photos Guerre Secession Generaux David Dixon Porter

George Armstrong Custer
OVH Photos Guerre Secession Generaux George Armstrong Custer

George Crook
OVH Photos Guerre Secession Generaux George Crook

George Meade
OVH Photos Guerre Secession Generaux George Meade

James Garfield
OVH Photos Guerre Secession Generaux James Garfield

John Dahlgren
OVH Photos Guerre Secession Generaux John Dahlgren

John Lorimer Worden
OVH Photos Guerre Secession Generaux John Lorimer Worden

Joseph Hooker
OVH Photos Guerre Secession Generaux Joseph Hooker

Mc Pherson
OVH Photos Guerre Secession Generaux Mc Pherson

Oliver Otis Howard
OVH Photos Guerre Secession Generaux Oliver Otis Howard

Robert Edward Lee le plus célèbre des généraux sudistes – Robert Edward Lee the most famous Confederate general
OVH Photos Guerre Secession Generaux Robert Edward Lee

William Tecumseh Sherman
Gen. William T. Sherman, ca. 1864-65. Mathew Brady Collection. (Army) Exact Date Shot Unknown NARA FILE #: 111-B-1769 WAR & CONFLICT BOOK #: 125

William Tecumseh Sherman
OVH Photos Guerre Secession Generaux William Tecumseh Sherman02